+48 535 850 951
Pon.-Pt. 09:00-17:00
+48 535 850 951
Pon.-Pt. 09:00-17:00

Administrative law

Prawo Administracyjne nagłówek

Administrative law

We assist our clients in administrative proceedings before public administration bodies, providing comprehensive legal services, advice, representation, giving opinions on draft documents, drawing up applications and appeals.

We represent clients in court and administrative proceedings before Provincial Administrative Courts and the Supreme Administrative Court. We prepare appeals and other letters related to a case.

Contact us

Whatever you do it’s good to have the law on your side. Contact us and let us take care of your matters.

Call us: +48 535 850 951
Pon.-Pt. 09:00-17:00

If you have any questions

Feel free to contact us!

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